Naši proizvodi

Proizvodni program i vrsta kartonske kutije koju će odabrati kupac ima mnoštvo detalja za dogovor . Raznovrsnost kvaliteta, boje štampe i izbora dimenzije su elementi koje može da izabere kupac ili da prihvati na prijedlog tehničara.Svi proizvodi su od valovitog kartona, a tipovi valova koje možemo ponuditi su C; B; E i F.

Raznovrsnost kvaliteta nam omogućava da se što više prilagođavamo kupcu samim tim ponudimo proizvod koji je adekvatan i koji će zadovoljiti potrebe svakog kupca. Osim petoslojnih (gdje se kombinuju kvaliteti BC; EC ; EB) i troslojnih kartosnkih kutija (B; C; E; F) u ponudi je i dvoslojni karton u rolnama.

Dizajn izabran od strane kupca može se raditi do 4 boje flexo tehnikom na štancanim kutijama (Shelf Ready Packaging), te mogućnost izrade dizajna sa štampom do 4 boje flexo štampe na kutijama tipa amerikan (Regular Slotted Container (RSC)). Sve kutije se mogu ljepiti na više pozicija ovisno o prethodnom dogovoru.

O Nama

KONJIC-KARTON d.o.o je firma osnovana 1998. godine, specijalizirana isključivo za proizvodnju transportne kartonske ambalaže od valovitog kartona. Proizvodimo sve vrste kartonskih kutija: amerikan - Regular Slotted Container (RSC), štancane - Shelf Ready Packaging i džambo - Folding boxes kutije za transport namještaja od više vrsta kartona i sa flekso štampom u 4 boje po želji kupca. Stalnim ulaganjem u nove mašine za proizvodnju ambalaže, te u edukaciju zaposlenika, podižemo standarde i kvalitet proizvoda.

Naši proizvodi

We are experts at...


Beautiful, unique Vibrant & Modern Design

This small company with big capabilities will perfectly blend creativity, energy, communication, clarity and restraint to craft visually stunning memorable experiences for the web interface. We create websites that have it all: Beauty and Brains.


Detailed, carefully planned structure.

You have worries about functionality? Don't worry anymore! We will plan everything to the last detail, test it under every circumstance, and give you a fully finished project. We do all the hard work for you.

How we do it?

  • Initial meeting

    Your website begins with a detailed meeting session. We talk with your project manager and subject matter experts to understand your business, your target audience, and your objectives. Then, the strategy can begin. This is where we do the heavy lifting that sets web development process of our firm apart from any other firms.

  • Design and Development

    Armed with a knowledge of your business and a sound strategy, we proceed to the design and development of your site. Our user experience experts complete the visual/creative design that provides a blueprint of the planned functionality and user experiences. Then your website comes to life! Our graphic web design team will apply your creative and unique brand style to a custom designed website that is sure to take your breath away. Next up, the Uni-Expert web development team will integrate your product database, APIs, content management system, and the back-end processes you need to ensure that your website works hard for your business, so your employees can work smart.

  • Testing

    Strong website development and design is about the details. Our quality assurance process involves thorough testing of every facet of your website. At critical points in development, we put our work through rigorous checks to verify your site performs as expected. Our pre-launch, launch, and post-launch checklists ensure a systematic approach to testing that keeps your project running smoothly and your website sharp.

  • Launch

    We believe that our job is not just to launch your website, but to help launch your business. We partner with you far beyond the launch date to ensure that your website remains the most valuable tool in your marketing tool belt. With an investment as important as this one, you can’t afford to accept anything less.


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